Affordable DER integration

Grid Adaptr connects distributed energy resources to existing grid infrastructure with minimal upgrades to grid assets.

DER integration challenges


Fast Voltage Fluctuations

EV chargers, intermittent renewable generation and industrial motors cause voltage fluctuations that impact power quality and reliability of weak grids.

Current Solutions

Costly Grid Reinforcements

Grid hardening through upgrades and replacements of power system assets, including cables and transformers, are expensive, especially for rural grids.


Lost Economic Opportunities

Cost barriers delay electrification and fuel switching for industrial facilities and leads to cancellation of generation projects and unmonetized substation capacities.

Grid Adaptr – a scalable solution for DER adoption.

The Grid Adaptr technology tackles rapid voltage fluctuations and harmonics that cannot be mitigated by current power conditioning equipment. Grid Adaptr achieves this with its fast response capability. In doing so, Grid Adaptr helps reduce the typical grid reinforcement needed to accommodate DERs thus reducing cost of DER integration.

Smart-Grid Ready

The Grid Adaptr seamlessly interfaces with our Smart-Grid Control System to unlock advanced functionalities with your DER projects. Transform downstream DERs and loads into a controllable microgrids. Connect directly into the power system through the Grid Adaptr’s DC ports. Deploy higher capacity loads and generation into capacity constrained substations.

Grid Adaptr Application Areas 

Grid Adaptr unlocks economic opportunities for electricity stakeholders by solving key challenges seen in the evolving power sector. Below are select application areas for the various stakeholders where Grid Adaptr can provide an immediate advantage over existing solutions.

For Project Developers (IPPs)

Unlock New Projects

Grid Adaptr makes it technically feasible to deploy hybrid renewable projects with installed ratings greater than the connection capacity available at the local substation.

Satisfy Utility Requirements

Grid Adaptr can satisfy existing or evolving utility requirements for power quality and inertial support, ensuring compliance of DER projects in all locations.

Reduce Integration Uncertainties 

Grid Adaptr’s control system can be customized for project and system specific needs, thus ensuring seamless project integration and commissioning.

For Electric Utilities (distribution)

Monetize Substation Capacity

Deploying Grid Adaptrs to distribution substations can help utilities to support DER deployments and monetize transformer capacity through demand charges.

Ensure System Stability

In weak grid locations Grid Adaptrs can provide both active and reactive power support that ensure acceptable power quality and system stability.

Grow Customer Demand

Grid Adaptrs can provide distribution utilities with a faster approach to enable load growth and electrification compared to replacing substation transformers.

For Industrial Consumers & Grid-edge communities

Prevent Power Outages

The grid-forming capability of the Grid Adaptr allows for islanding operation of industrial facilities and mining operations in conjunction with onsite hybrid renewables.

Reduce Connection Cost

Grid Adaptr’s power decoupling capability allows large motors to connect to weak-grid systems reducing the need for expensive grid reinforcements.

Accelerate Electrification

Grid Adaptr makes it easy for grid-edge communities to grow its electricity consumption without onerous delays in transformer supply for grid upgrades.

Soliciting select Projects

Our team is soliciting a limited number of projects for feasibility assessments using Grid Adaptrs. If you believe your project aligns with stakeholder needs mentioned in this page, contact us today to schedule a call!